Rudolf Nureyev
The quickest way to cross central London in the 1960s was to be driven by Rudolf Nureyev. His skill as a driver, frightening though it was, was not far short of the skills of a Formula I driver. He weaved into gaps so small it was better not to look, dodging and narrowly missing oncoming cars by fractions of an inch, but he got you there alive and on time. I did not experience this myself and I have forgotten where I read it.

I believe it was true considering the rush he was in most of his life. Dancing here, there and everywhere. As Manuel Legris said: "Rudolf Nureyev was a high-speed train (he was a TGV). Working with Nureyev involved having to surpass oneself and stepping on it.” (Wikipedia.)

I took my picture of him in the mid-1980s in Central Park, a short distance from his apartment on Central Park West, when he had slowed up a bit through ill health.